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 Heaven and Earth
For the Mind, Body, and Soul

The eternal Seven Noahide Commandments (Mitzvot) were given to Noah and his descendants after the Flood. These were also given with the Torah at Mt. Sinai, which then became the source for the observance of this "Noahide Code."  When studied properly, these Seven Commandments are found to encompass ethics and spirituality which are truly given by G-d. is the site where we can join together to learn about these precepts in the light of Hassidic teachings. It features insights on the nature of creation, and our important roles as individuals and members of wider communities.  The site has a wealth of text, audio, and video content that will give you a deeper understanding of this Torah-true way of life for all Gentiles, which is a promised source of Divine blessings for the nations of the world.

When Gentiles and Jews join together to fulfill their spiritual potential, each within the context of their respective parts in the Torah of Moses, the creation is elevated toward the realization of its intended goal. This makes the world into a beautiful gem - a place where G-d can (and will) dwell!